Well, I must admit to being lax about regular additions to this blog. No excuses. Did you miss my posts? Did anyone? Actually my time away from here was spent learning how to produce, promote and deliver a weekly radio show by the same name as this blog. Audio blog maybe. Actually have produced and conducted 3 shows already and will do show #4 this
Wednesday, March 24th at 10 am.

Greg D'Andrea, co-founder of Golf Stinks will be my guest. His social media site caters to average regular guy/girl golfers. You will remember Rodney Dangerfield (left photo) in Easy Money, the movie where he introduced the world to the "regular guy" look and apparel. Social media and golf. How lucky can we be?
Golfstinks' job is to help you get the most fun out of this great game as you possibly can. Period. And they are about to produce a pilot for TV as well. Rodney would be proud of Greg and his team for sure.
Be part of the show . . . .
The Retired Coach Radio Show
Tune in live and call in
(646) 727-2456 to speak with us and ask Greg a question or return later for the podcast. All regular golfers are cordially invited to attend and participate.
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