The Pittsburgh Pirates, back in the days when they were competitive, were like all baseball teams a superstitious bunch. To prove the point they would aim a green weenie like sponge at the opposing team to help them achieve results and win some games. The original green weenie was a sponge that covered the top of a crutch used by an injured Pirate. It soon became a promotional item of epic proportion. Tri-state businesses sponsored Green Weenie give-aways and fans were asked to point the weenie at the opposing batter or pitcher. I was there for one of the original promotions and cherished my prize from that moment on. Always with me and on display in the various offices I occupied over the years to ward off slumping sales or office idiots. Use to take it with me to all of my kids athletic contests to keep their opponents at bay. I believed in the magic, but soon learned a valuable lesson in this type of hocus-pocus Sometimes it can backfire. Like the time I was aiming it at the opposing hockey goalie when my son, Tucker, skated past the goalie and unexplainably, fell to the ice with an injury. Lesson learned. After that, I put it away, only to be discovered many years later by my seven year old granddaughter, Ava. Needless to say, she was fascinated by the tale.

This past Christmas I presented my classic, original green weenie to her, along with instructions on how best to use it. Ava is now the keeper of this family sports heirloom. She has the perfect make-up to manage this artifact: curiosity and spunk. After all, who really chases sea gulls at the beach besides Ava? She put it use immediately.Took it with her to her first Globetrotter's basketball game and pointed it at their opponent, the Washington Generals. She called me right after the game to let me know the Original Green Weenie was working very well. It's in her hands now. It will be just fine.
Remember Green Weenie Night against the Dodgers. The green weenie was part of a baseball fan. Wave in when Dogers wer up and wave out when Pirates were batting. Point green weenie at opposing pitchers and batters. Don Drysdale complained about the fans bothering him. An announcement asked fans not to wave fans while Drysdale was pitching. Many of those in attendance threw the fans on the field delaying the game. I remember gabbing a few before we left Forbes Field. I still have one. The others were given to kids I was teaching at the time.
good thing Ava brought the green weenie to the Globetrotter's game - I heard the Generals were due!!
Great story! Might be a little obvious if I used it on the putting green.
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