Simply put, golf etiquette has to do with manners or knowing how to act. It is through good manners we confirm to other golfers that we convey our respect for them and display how important we think they are. Golf requires a lot of focus. If you are ready to putt or place a tee shot over a water hazard, it will be way more difficult if someone is talking, laughing, rattling coins, and tees in their pocket, or placing their shadow in your line of sight.
- "You know, for new players, I think the idea of teaching etiquette before teaching all the rules is a good start. Explain to them about "ready golf" before you teach them they have to walk back to re-tee if they hit one OB. If they end up liking golf, they will learn the other rules on their own, but first and foremost should be etiquette. Of course, the teachers may be slow pokes themselves, in which case you're screwed" Well said, don't your think?
I guess it could boil down to 2 areas: Golfers who honestly do not know the expected behaviors and golfers who know the etiquette principals and still commit these egregious faux pas just to get under your skin or make us miss a shot. There is no room for these folks in my foursome. What are some of the etiquette violations that bother you the most? Leave your answers in the comment section below.